I made other two purses using the pattern of my favorite purse.The fabrics are the same heavy cotton canvas from Ikea I used in other bags.Now I love this pattern even more ! Though I didn' t use contrasting colors and the pockets are not so visible in the pictures, they are there ! The pockets make this purse so special ! … [Read more...]
Gift for a little girl
I made this purse for the little girl of my Romanian friends from USA.They visited me in weekend. Alexa was delighted to receive it ! The pink fabric is velevet. … [Read more...]
The New Favorite Bag…
is this: It has two interior pockets and magnetic snap closure. It is very roomy. It's medium size so it can be carried on the shoulder or held in hand. The bag has gussets at the bottom to maximize the capacity of the bag. This is half of my pattern. … [Read more...]
Stripes tote bag
I have a friend for over 25 years. We were classmates for 10 years and her son is my godson.Today is her birthday. She loves green color (just like me !) so I made for her this green tote. I used these fabrics from Ikea. I like stripes ! It was very easy to piece the front of the tote. … [Read more...]
My first quilted bag
Browsing through my computer, I found pictures of my very first quilted bag.I made it in March 2007. I appliqued fusible bias tape onto a black background. The bias is wide (I think it is 1 inch) and I appliqued it very quickly.At that time it seems that I didn't like it too much, since I made the next bag after two years !I did not use it until now, I think it is stored somewhere !It is funny, … [Read more...]
A New Bag
I think you can say I am obsessed with bags. Soon I will have more pictures of bags on my blog than pictures of quilts ! But I have an excuse, it is still summer !Tomorrow is the birthday of a friend and I made this "Kitty Bag" for her (you guessed right, her name is Kitty !).She loves my bags and I wanted to make her a unique bag so I modified the pattern of my favorite bag.It is not quilted at … [Read more...]
Texture with velvet
I made the last bags from velvet.I didn't transfer the pattern onto velvet ! :)I printed it on paper, I made the sandwich and laid the paper on it and I stitched through paper . The sandwich was too thick so the thread broke often :(The texture is nice and despite of the problems I think I can do this again ! It took me a lot of time to fill this area with pebbles !I even pieced velvet ! For the … [Read more...]
In the last months my sister Oana wanted badly a new textile bag but I didn’t find time to make her one until this week. This is her new bag! Oana loves it! I am rarely entirely happy with the things I make! And I can’t believe that I don’t find anything to criticize at this bag. I love its shape! And the size is perfect! I especially love the exterior pockets with easy access. There was a … [Read more...]
A few days ago I quilted for the first time velvet ! Quilted velvet has such a nice texture. There is no need to use thick batting to get this texture !This one below is made from a lightweight flannel. It's summer, I still make bags...Come back, I am finishing the most beautiful bag I have ever made... … [Read more...]
Many Thanks…and a Purse !
Thank you all who purchased my e-Book ! I am happy to find out that shadow trapunto has fans all around the world, from USA and Canada to Taiwan, United Kingdom to South Africa, Australia to Mexico and Argentina… And because I got a few messages from some of you who purchased the e-Book that the access details did not reach you, please, I would kindly request of you to check out the email … [Read more...]