The break from making bags didn’t last too much !
I spent most of the week making these totes. Because of this I am behind with my shadow trapunto pattern ! Actually, the pattern is ready but I am still working on a few surprises. I hope all will be ready in ten days.
Back to the totes: I made them using different fabrics. I am glad I found out a way to use those pretty fabrics which aren’t suitable for quilts !
Wonderful bags you've created there Geta! I really like the yellow with the blue flowers fabric! Very effective! 😎
Geta, you really are a tote-queen, what an amazing amount of bags you have and each and every one of them is so lovely!!!
Beautiful bags and the 'new' shape is fun too! Love the cool fabrics you find…would love to get my hands on some of them….
Sunt foarte reusite si da,parca ar fi cate doua din fiecare 😀
These bags are all so great!
Sunt foarte minunate!!!
You make the most beautiful bags!
I enjoy looking at all your work – you have such a good eye for form and color.
These bags are so cute….but would you please get back to work on that pattern? lol
I love the heart fabric! Great Bags.
Beautiful bags. I love looking at your work. I can't wait for your new pattern to come out. I want to learn how to do shadow trapunto.
You have the most beautiful bags. They are just awesome.
Toate sunt frumoase si-ti doresti sa le porti!
Beautiful bags and beautiful shape! I love them all! Renata.
Wondered what you'd been up to. Now I know. Beautiful bags again!
You have a wonderful collection of fabrics for your beautiful bags.
Ah, ce frumoase sunt !
Poate am sa le vad intr-o zi !
Chiar doresc asta.
Superbe!! Parca pe cea cu flori portocalii as dori-o azi dar , mai pe seara cea inchisa la culoare.Foarte inspirata esti Geta!
E o placere sa-ti vad creatiile!
Te pup, Sma
Love the bags….
Beautiful bags!
Ce lucruri minunate faci, felicitari Geta!
They are all beautiful – I like the one with the orange and green flowers the best.
sunt superbe,frumoase si calde culori,iar despre arta de a le coase nu am cuvinte ..atat de curat si tehnic lucrezi.. felicitari draga mea.
I have been reading your blog for a very short time (can't remember how I came across it) but I just have to tell you that you are a VERY talented lady!!! I love the bags. Your quilting is superb!!
Geta, love your totes. Beautiful work as always. When will your patterns be ready? Anxiously waiting.
Superbe gentile, Geta! si acuratetea lucrului e perfecta! Felicitari si la mai multe 🙂
I like so must this bags, is so fresh, and creative, i am sorrie but my ingles is not got i live on in island S.Miguel Azores – Portugal, congratulations