Iata-l pe noul membru al familiei ! Ieri l-am dus la veterinar, a fost deliciul tuturor. Toti s-au distrat cand l-au vazut atat de mic printre o multime de caini imensi. Apoi distractia a continuat cand au auzit ca-l cheama “Pepe”.

Apropo, ma duc sa vad ce face, e singur !
So sweet. I saw a couple of kittens the other day and one looked exactly like yours. I had to say no as our old cat doesn’t like other cats. I want to give a cyber hug to yours.
Ce speriat este! Dar este tare dragalas!
Hugs for your Pepe :)))))so tiny…
I hope he will have blue eyes…and again I repet : he deserve a nice lime-green collar ;))should I crochet him one? :))))
Your new kitten is so cute – looks like he is full of mischief too!
Buna Pepe, pisica neagra Jessi (zisa Norocel 🙂 din Constanta te saluta! 🙂
Hugs to the kitten. I have one who looked just like him at that age except mine is cross eyed.
Doamne cat e de mic! Probabil urmatoarea poza va fi cu el langa masina de cusut incercand sa prinda acul…Sa va traiasca si sa va bucurati de el.
Vaaai,ce dragalaÅŸ e!De ce oare mai toate quilteusele prefera pisoii?