I’m absolutely thrilled to have you here! It seems like you share my passion for fabrics, quilts, and unique bags.
I’m on a mission to help you spread love and joy by creating beautiful quilts and bags for your loved ones.
You might be wondering, what makes a successful quilter? To me, it’s someone who finds pure joy in creating quilts and shares that passion with their loved ones. That’s the essence of quilting, isn’t it?
Who is Geta Grama?
I’m a passionate quilter living in Romania. I’m not only a quilter but also a designer of quilt and bag patterns. I’m dedicated to encouraging fellow quilters to explore new techniques and enhance their quilting skills while having a blast along the way.
My journey into quilting began unexpectedly in 2001 when I stumbled upon it on the internet. At the age of 33, I decided to leave my engineering profession behind and dive into the world of fabric, patterns, and colors.
The beginning of my quilting journey: EVERYTHING is possible! I am the proof!
My journey wasn’t easy. In a country where quilting was unfamiliar, every small achievement felt like a huge victory:
– the first quilting book I bought; I studied it with a magnifying glass and an English-Romanian dictionary; the day I understood what is the difference between “batting-backing-binding-basting” was a big day!
– the day I bought the sewing machine with free motion quilting foot
– the day I managed to free motion quilt
– the first fabric order in a quilt shop in USA.
The biggest challenges?
– stitching in a ditch – I had a hard time understanding this technique only from a few pictures in a book
– free motion quilting – it wasn’t unusual for me to spend even 2 hours trying to achieve a decent stitching on my machine!
With no one near my shoulder to give me even the smallest advice and no blogs with tutorials or videos, everything I had to learn required a HUGE effort and a lot of time! But eventually, I managed to make quilts!
The turning point…
… in my quilting journey came when I fell in love with shadow trapunto, a technique I’m deeply passionate about. I started writing patterns and transformed my hobby into a small business. I even wrote a book!
A little story about my biggest dream!
I had a dream, and it came true; I had two quilts in the 2008 Houston judged show; you have no idea how much this meant to me.
Try to imagine this: a beautifully decorated Christmas shop, loaded with the most magnificent toys (this is the Houston Quilt Festival). And a poor child (that’s me, very poor due to my country’s lack of quilting culture) who has been looking through the windows at all the treasures in the shop. But in 2008, the child was able to visit the shop and enjoy all of the wonders…
Fast forward a few years later: two award-winning quilts
October 2012
My quilt “A World of Many Colors” won an Honorable Mention at the Houston Judged Show of the International Quilt Association, “A World of Beauty”.
November 2013
The friendship quilt I made with my Romanian quilting friends won 3rd place at the same competition above.

Curious to know more?
I thought you might 🙂
Here are a few random things you might want to know about me.
– the first quilting website I visited on Internet was Jinny Beyer’s website. Her logo quilt amazed me: it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen! The colors and shapes showed me a world I had never dreamt existed. In that moment I fell in love with quilting. 10 years later I bought a kit from her and I made a quilt in the pattern of her logo.

– I owe my quilting journey to my wonderful family, especially my sister Oana, who introduced me to quilting. My family has always been my biggest support and inspiration.
– I have three sisters who aren’t quilters, but we’ve collaborated on a wonderful project for our mother. Together we stitched this wonderful quilt. If I need a helping hand, they are always here for me! Our favorite way to spend time together is to sew.
– I love Mylene Farmer’s music as much as I love quilting! I’ve traveled to Paris four times to attend her concerts. I made even a quilt for her– it is one of the most exciting projects!
– The color green holds a special place in my heart, and I dream of sewing a long green lace dress for my upcoming 30th wedding anniversary.
I am so glad you are here!
I’m excited to share my quilting adventures with you! Feel free to explore my website (start with this page) and discover quilting ideas on my blog.
See you there!
Your next step?
As a thank you for stopping by, I’d like to offer you a free copy of my Free Motion Quilting eBook. It’s my way of passing on my love of quilting to you.
To your quilting success,
PS. I’m afraid my sewing will always be better than my English! But I’m hoping that the universal language of quilts will help me express my love of quilting!
Wow! Nu pot sa cred.
Cumva, stiam ca este vorba despre quiltul ASTA. 🙂 Este minunat. Ca cei 10 ani. La mult mai multi draga Geta, cu zeci si sute de quilturi premiate, si bucurii, si prieteni.
I am just thinking of getting into quilting. I love your blog and have gotten the Free Motion Quilting ebook. I haven’t done any yet, but have read through it. I would like to correct your spelling of my name. It Is Karron. Thanks
Congratulations! Your quilt is wonderful. I, too, have learned from Jinny over the years and have enjoyed every minute of the learning curve. She has certainly influenced the quilts that I make today. I enjoy seeing what you are doing. A fellow quilter from Canada, Maureen
Your perseverance is awesome and you make beautiful quilts! Congratulations on ten years of quilting. I enjoy seeing the things you are quilting on your blog.
Your quilt is beautiful! I hope you will take some close-up pictures so we can see the details of your quilting. I really enjoy your blog – your bag patterns and shadow trapunto patterns are on my "to do" list and I loved making your portfolio pattern. Keep up the good work and enjoy every day of quilting!
Congratulations. The quilt is gorgeous. I am glad you became a quilter. I love your quilts.
Thank you for your story. It is very wonderful. I know I've gained a lot from you – Shadow trapunto for starters. I think the world of whole cloth and shadow trapunto is where I'm headed more than the other quilts. At least it's what I enjoy the most.
Actually today I 've been working on Amelie and Bell- Mother and Baby. I'll post pictures on your flicker when I'm done.
Geta, I'm confident there is a something in your blood that has drawn you to quilting. You are a natural, and you have given back to the world of quilting so very much. You do such a great job sharing, teaching, insipriring and encouraging others. I am very appreciative that you began walking down this road, 10 years ago. Thank you!
Я уже 20 лет неговорила и никогдва неписала на компьютеры по руски ( я из Словакии думаю, ты знаеш что-то на русском языке, и мне понимаеш). Но незнаю английски и хачу очень тебе нарисать. Мне очень нравится твоя работа, шитье, твой веб-сайт . То, что ты пишеш я даваю в перевод на компьютеры и что-нибудь понимаю. Мне понравилось сегодня повествование о начале твоей работы. Jana
WOW Geta nu pot sa itzi explic cata fericire mi-a adus blog-ul tau astazi. Am petrecut 4 ore bune admirand frumoasele tale quilturi( esti un artist cu un talent aparte), si in acelasi timp simt ca am reusit sa te cunosc un pic. Am plans acultind Enescu, m-am uitat cu dor la fotografiile tale cu frumoasele peisajele montane si am invatzat despre celealta pasiune a ta *muzica*. LA MULTI ANI itzi doresc sa ai o aniversare frumoasa. Sigur ma voi intoarce sa te vizitez, cred ca mi-ar place sa comissionez un quilt.
Monica o clujeanca in Marea Britanie xx
Geta, I love your stories and I identify so much with you. I, too, started to quilt when I discovered resources on the Internet (my son convinced me to look up the term "quilt" and I was amazed!). And until about 7 years ago I didn't know any other quilters here in Quito, Ecuador. So I started teaching quilting… and now I have a lot of quilting friends! LOL Greetings from Angie in Quito, Ecuador.
P.S. Your English is great! Don't worry about it.
What a wonderful story and your quilt is beautiful!
I loved it and it brought tears to my eyes, especially the part about Houston! I am still waiting, but just reading that you made it, made me feel great!
very inspirational!
I love your quilts, I think I subscribed the first day i saw your blog because of the lovely quilts.
You may not be good in speaking English but your writing is superb, Keep It Up!
Congrats and So happy 4 U!
Love this quilt, love your quits and blog and patterns, and your wonderful story. And love internet too !!!!
Thanks for sharing your story! Mine is not that different – I bought a book on sewing with the intention to sew clothes but fell totally in love with the patchwork section instead. I learned by trial and error and by reading books, magazines and web sites.
I am so happy for having this amazing hobby and being able to create out of fabric.
This is such a moving and inspiring post! I follow you in my Google Reader for a while already and admire your work – you are not only very talented but also very hard working and your end results are truly amazing. Keep up the good work!
What a lovely story. I am so glad that you found your way to quilting and, through that, to all of us who appreciate so much everything that you share.
Geta we also are very thankful you decided to go the internet cafe. Your work is wonderful and we are so happy for you. I am very proud to have one of your quilts hanging in my studio. I don't know if you remember but I won it from one of your giveaways. Thank you again and bless you for being so generous.
Geta, I loved reading your story. Thank you for sharing it and your wonderful quilting with us.
You are totally awesome! You have inspired me to try some Trapunto and even work on some machine quilting.
Your quilt and quilts are beautiful as are your bags.
I think a book is in order next 🙂
Vă mulţumesc foarte mult pentru partajarea povestea ta cu noi Geta, şi în timp ce limba mea maternă este engleza, am vrut să traducă în limba română acest lucru pentru tine …. mulţumesc cerului pentru Google Translate .. hahaha. Îmi place macat dvs. vitralii de asemenea, şi aştept cu nerăbdare de a fi un blog regulat "prieten pentru mai mult în următorii zece ani. Hugs Naomi P.S. da, e bine să împărtăşiţi pozele pe blog-ul dvs. de pungi din Belle si pungă de monede am făcut.
Parabéns!!! Sua história e força de vontade são maravilhosa!!! E seus trabalhos são lindos!!!!!!!!
Bjus, Ione
This is very beautiful. I have been reading your blog for a long time and enjoy your journeys through quilting, and bag making. Soon I hope to also try shadow trapunto.
Such a beautiful story. You have "sisters" all over the world and we all speak the same language….quilting.
Bless Oana for sending you to the internet cafe. Your quilting and designs are wonderful. Your first quilt is lovely. Great job! I enjoy you blog a great deal and look forward to reading it in the future. Wishing you the best in your quilting adventures.
Have a super great day.
Felicitari Geta! La multi ani si la multe povesti frumoase in viata ta!
What a beautiful story! I'm glad I met you a few years ago …and thank you for all that you learned me along these years.
Congratulations Geta, his history and his works are beautiful.
Esti o comoara! Sunt minunate toate lucrurile pe care le faci. Am citit din blogul tau plimbandu-ma printre subiectele din arhiva ta. Mai ca m-am indragostit de munca ta. Te felicit pentru tot ce fraci.
I am so glad you made it to the internet cafe that first day! Your art and your blog is wonderful, I am so glad you shared this story with us 🙂
Ilyeana in Canada
Thank you for sharing this story.
Geta, you have come a long way in just ten years.
I so recognise some of your difficulties from my own first years of quilting, – that was before the internet and not many books or magazines available, – every time I could get hold of something new it was a big thrill 🙂
Best of luck to you!
Un quilt deosebit dar si "drumul" tau este la fel!La cat mai multi ani, cu realizari cel putin la fel de frumoase,cu expozitii personale si carti editate!Felicitari pentru perseverenta si daruirea ta!
lovely quilt!
I am so glad you found quilting too – you are a good long distance friend to share quilting with. Your work is amazing so the talent was always there just waiting for you to find your "quilting voice".
I was travelling to London with a stop over in Singapore and I saw my first quilt it was the double wedding ring… I started copying it on to some scrap paper having never seen anything like it… somebody took me aside and showed me books on how to quilt… my life changed and that was 20 years ago…
You work is beautiful… your English is great.. well done
Lorraine (Australia)
Geta- I am so glad I came across your blog a few months ago. You are a real inspiration to many of us.
Thank you for sharing your story with us and all your beautiful designs.
I always look forward to reading your blog- especially tonight.
That quilt is simply gorgeous!
Geta здравствуй! Очень очарована твоими работами и твоим последним постом. Твой рассказ очень искренний и такой похожий и на мою историю тоже. Я живу на Украине и к нам в Киев приезжала в сентябре 2009г.Jenny Beyer и давала обучение. И в этом году она приедет к нам http://pachwork.com.ua/news/175//
Приезжай к нам и ты сможешь учиться у самой Джинни!
I love reading your stories and admiring your beautiful quilts.
I loved reading this wonderful story!
You are amazing! I'm now inspired to continue practicing free motion quilting. Thank you for sharing all your beautiful designs. Best wishes for the next 10 years!
La multi ani!!!
Felicitari pt.poveste si pt.tot ce faci.
La mult mai multe realizari,
I love your work and added you on my blog list.
greetings fro Holland,
Wow..somehow I missed this post. I am just stunned by this quilt. You constantly amaze me!
E superb quiltul! Imi place tot, si modelul, si culorile!Felicitari!
Geta, iti trimit, asa cum ti-am promis, linkul catre pozele de la Craiova:
Thank you, Geta, for sharing your story, it was quite a Ciderella-story! I am very impressed by your quilts.
Draga mea, ce poveste minunata, si cat ma bucur pentru tine ca-ti urmezi visul si faci ceea ce-ti place.
Congrats Geta!!! I´m very impressed by yr quilts, you´re a "now not so hidden talent in the quilting world"
Your trapunto works are just GORGEOUS, and I do really wish I could make any like yours.
Congrats again and keep on working hard.
a big kiss from Argentina
Hello Greta!!
your blog is just lovely! and determination is the mark of success!!
your English is great and it makes me so happy to have found you!!
My father was born in Bucarest and I am now in Brazil… he is long gone… and with war and all much happened in his life and consequently in mine! I don't speak Hungarian.. used to be able to speak some when I went to scouting with Hungarian children, but then we lost contact and my mom never had patience to teach!! even when I begged!
She was from Zseghalom HU and was an only child… my father had a brother who went to Canada after the war and I only saw him once!
It is all a long and complicated story, and the thing is that I am trying to find names of grandparents and past family from Romania… my challenge was I didn't know anyone there and couldn't speak the language!! two huge obstacles!!
I was wondering if you could help me with ideas on how to get information on my family… address and name of some office which I could contact… in English? could you be so kind?
I would help any help really!
My father was Andreas Dako, his father Samuel Dako, and his mom Vilma Kope… don't have any information onher besides this… and you live in the same county… Brasov…I would be forever thankful!! and drop by to visit my blog!! http://www.kiszica.com
thank you very much… love Ilona
Your story is wonderful, and your quilts are beautiful! I'm so glad to find your blog. I will visit you often. 🙂 Kindest regards, Dianne B. in England
What a lovely story.
I read more of your blog as well as your quilt website today and signed up for your newsletter. I am so inspired by you and your work and look forward to using your page as inspiration in my upcoming quilts. I, like you too, are very passionate about web design and computers. I look forward to reading more your your blog and hope you are enjoying mine. I had a rather large blog until last month and it needed to be re-organized but it actually seemed easier to just start from scratch even though it seems rather small compared to my other one.
Thank you for your lovely story. It has inspired me much as I want to srart quilting and it's really new for me and I'm scared.
greetings from Russia
Geta, I read your blog every time you post and I went back to this post because of the Jimmy Beyer quilt – I love the way she uses colour! I cannot begin to understand how hard it must have been for you in the beginning with not only the language barrier but also being so isolated – when I think of the classes and shops I can chose from – it leaves me astounded! Truly you are wonderful! And reading this post from May 2010 tells me how much your English has improved as well! Congratulations and keep on keeping on!! (thats an Australian expression!)
Esto es mas que bonito te felicito y mando abrazos desde olavarría, republica argentina.
Geta: Foarte frumoasa! I'm an American business woman and founder of charity Project Hope: http://www.projecthope.shutterfly.com, doing relief and development work in Romania, Moldova and Republic of Georgia. One of the Romanian charities we help has taught the single mothers in their program how to quilt. I collect here in the USA (among other things) sewing machines, fabric, tools, tread, etc. to help them and ship it to them in Cluj. I know they will find your website useful and inspiring!
Cu Bine,
PS I'm also a trained TEFL/ESL teacher and your English is excellent.
Your story is so exciting, and truly, your English is fantastic. So glad I found your blog today!
Dear Geta, thank you for your story and your blog! I found it don't remember which way 🙂 but I'm here and enjoy. I'm fall in love in works of Jinny Beyer and I can understand you!! (if to read your important days, I'm somewhere before “stitch in the ditch” 🙂
but I even tried to create trapunto! 🙂
so, I wish you great success and a lot of inspirations!
hugs from Russia,
Hello Geta,
What a fantastic and inspiring story!
I was only looking for a simple pattern on how to make a tote bag using some surplus materials that's been kept in a box for a while.. then i saw this beautiful pictures of handmade tote bags.
Your Quilts were superb! I'm a complete beginner in quilting and would like to learn how to do it. Your work inspired me so much.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful work. All the best in the future.
Salam from UK
Hello from the Midwest
Your story is amazing and your work is beautiful. I love your box patterns and would like to purchase one. Can you tell me how I can do that. I am so insired by your story and wish I could take classes from you. You are truly a beautiful artist and have a special talent. Keep up the beautiful work.
An American admirer
Nancy C
Richmond Missouri USA
Tus trabajos son hermosos,me gustan mucho y me dan muchas ideas para realizar a mi familia.Gracias por publicar estas cosas tan lindas.Un saludo grande para vos y tu famiia.Patricia
Your work is fascinating. Thank you for sharing. Keep up the great work.
Geta, I just love your quilts and your determination to success. I am first generation American. My parents are both Romanian. Mom from Arpasu de jois and Dad from Poinia. I am also trying to expand on my quilting knowledge and so glad I ran across your page.
Felicitari Geta! La multi ani si la multe povesti frumoase in viata ta!
Love your quilts and I just ordered your book!! Can't wait for it to arrive so I can get started on a new quilt 🙂 My blog is called: quilttotheedge.blogspot.com Happy Quilting!!! Martha
Your bags and other quilts are beautiful and creative – as are you. The Internet has brought the world together, so living in Romania is not the issue it might once have been. Do not feel insecure – your have a real talent – keep going. (And your English is superb.)
This is a story of Romantic Love, who doesnt love a love story, it really peaks my interest. I am from Houston, TX .. This Fri, I am going to my first Quilt show, One day I might have one in a show too. This really inspires me.
I have just found your site and read your story, very touching. I have some Romanian friends and I did not know that quilting was not very well known over there. Your quilts are beautiful and I look forward to tagging along on your journey.
I've been always amazed by the originality and perfection of your quilts. I knew you are, as me, in a not quilting tradition country, so your story is motivating. Although my country -Guatemala- is also a non-quilting country, we are pretty near USA and many people travel between both countries, so we have a little more resources for it. I was lucky to attend a class in a technical institution at my country, where I learnt the basics. After that, Internet and books has been my school to learn quilting, English and how to make friends around the world! Blogging is now my challenge, I started a blog in English but I write a post, read it, copy to Google Translator, review, ask my daughter to read it, and finally post it. Almost always I find something wrong to edit after posting, but each time is better and easier.
For me, the stories are what make a quilt and your story is just amazing! It's also humbling to think that English is not your first language – you write it so well 🙂
Hi Greta,
Your Quilts are lovely, hope I will get just as good.
I was lucky enough to be able to visit Romania in 2011, and we spent a weekend in Brasov. Spent one whole day walking around and just sight seeing. What a beautiful town with plenty to do. We spent most of our time in Galati.
I live in South Africa where you can get quite a lot of the things needed it is still quite difficult as there is not to many place that do teaching. So it is slow going.
What a beautiful story 🙂 I am so glad you became addicted to sewing and quilting! I love your blog.
What an inspiration you are! Nothing stops you when you have a vision. Thank you for sharing and I will visit your site often-to give me a 'kick in the butt' as we say in the USA, meaning a way to get me stitching and not just looking….
Hi Geta, I have some questions about your patterns but the link to email you won't work. Can you email me so I can contact you?
Thank you for sharing your story! Your work is amazing and inspiring, and your English is excellent! So glad to have found your blog. 🙂
Your English is amazing, for it being a second language! Your quilts are even more amazing!! I've already bought a pattern, and found your book at a local store, so I'm glad to help support you!! 🙂 Love your work, and the fact that you taught yourself!! Amazing!!!
Geta – Your quilts and your English are just amazing! I am in awe at your quilting talent – you are definitely a gifted artist an so inspiring! I was wondering what brand/make/model of sewing machine you use?
I went to the Houston Quilt show for the first time in 2013 and when I saw your quilt on your website I wondered if it could be you and it is! Your quilt is amazing. You are an extremely talented person. Your English is exceptional, too. I don't know one word of Romanian, not even the word for quilt. Thank you so sharing your talent and knowledge.
Thank you for sharing your quilting journey. It is quite a story. It makes me happy.
Hi – just look at your blog. there is so many nice thing. i have make quilt for many year but there is still a lot of tekniks i not have try.
Congratulations on your new website! I wrote to you once before about my husband and stepson visiting Romania to see where my husband’s father was born. I have enjoyed your many interesting newsletters since then and have made the first of the beautiful designs from your book. I enjoyed your technique very much. My favorite thing is hand applique and I lead a group of 56 women who meet once each month to enhance their applique skills. I free motion quilt all of my quilts so I’m always looking for more designs. Thank you for sharing your clever designs and helpful hints! I live on Vancouver Island on the west coast of Canada.
Thank you for the kind words, Valerie.
I envy your patience to do hand applique; it must be wonderful to have so many quilting friends!
Happy sewing!
I am amazed with your work. You have a wonderful sense of design. I am unable to get my password to work for the free patterns. Can you help with this? Thank you so much.
Geta: your English is phenomenal! But your quilts are even better than that. I love your site and will return often.
Thank you so much for the kind words, Kathleen! I am very glad you like my work. Looking forward to sharing new ideas with you in the future.
Hi! I purchased a pattern from you and I received an email confirming my purchase. I don’t know where the actual pattern download is. Is the pattern mailed to me? If so, when might I expect the delivery?
Thank you for your help.
Trish Arney
Thank you for sharing your beautiful arts of work! It makes me want to try new things. Thank you also for sharing patterns, techniques and new ideas.
Greta….Your quilts are amazing!! I can’t imagine doing that kind of quilting even tho’ I’ve been quilting for about 50 years. But I am going to give it a try! I do enjoy your e-mails. You make me think I know you by the way you seemingly “talk” to each one of us personally! I live in the United States…Cascade, Idaho…in the mountains among the pine trees. I do have access to quite a few quilting stores but the closest one is 75 miles. You work wonders even without access to quilting shops. Thank you for all your help.
Viola Ward
Thank you so much for your wonderful and free lessons, ideas and patterns. I have been quilting since 1974 and have learned some things from you. Also, your quilting is astounding!
Parabéns!!! Seu quilting é maravilhoso! Obrigada por nos mostrar seu trabalho e nos inspirar!
Geta, thank you so much for sharing your magnificent work with all of us. I can’t believe how wonderful your workmanship and designs are. I too found quilting in 1976 when I first came to America from Scotland and have never stopped it is and always will be my passion. Thank you again. T
Hi Geta! I adore your work and your story. I am 62 and although I’ve always been a crafty sort, I did not settle into quilting until the last year. For a few years I cared for my Mom who has Alzheimer’s and she is now in assisted living and my enthusiasm for quilting has blossomed!! Your flowers are so pretty and I look forward to receiving the patterns and instructions. Thank you and I wish you all the best. Sharon
Geta, I’m so excited to “meet” you! I am a new quilter and your designs are what I want to do! I have ordered your hexie ball pattern and have been practicing on small pieces. With your tips it is going better than expected. This week I’m going to start piecing the 96 pages together and finally get up the nerve to try it. Your English is fantastic. Much better than my Romainian! Lol, I don’t speak a word! As I was reading this the thought kept popping into my head that I need to take lessons from you!! I’d love to learn trapunto! But I’m not sure where to find a teacher. It’s hard to even find someone to teach whole cloth quilting! Will you be in Houston this year? I will be going and would love to see your work in person!
You have achieved all your ambitions and goals.With your passion for quilting and the notion “sharing is caring” has taken you a long way. You are really blessed. I enjoy trying out some of ur quilts and i too have got a passion for it. I am crazy about all of them. May the Lord bless you and keep you healthy and happy so that we too are made happy by your wonderful talent.
Hi Zareena,
Thank you so much for taking the time to write me this sweet message: you made my day! I am so grateful for the internet, for making all these connections possible!
If my work makes you happy and inspires you, I am really blessed!
Isn’t wonderful that we can spend our time doing what we love?
Thanks for your reply. U are still my inspiration. You do wonderful things to inspire people.I really enjoy quilting, patchwork, applique and crochet. After seeing your videos and your clear
explanations on quilting I developed more interest towards it.There is a saying “we rise by lifting others”, you are one of the lifters.so you have lifted many hearts and got all their blessings. Most of all u have inspired us to work towards the things we love doing by motivating us.Let the good lord bless you in abundance now and always throughout your life!
Very inspiring to read about your start with quilting. I have a funny start too. 42 years ago I moved to Indiana with a Amish Mennonite area close by. They have what they call a Menonite Relief Sale where they auction off quilts. I wondered what a quilt was so I went and was so overwhelmed with what I saw. I said to myself I must learn how to do this, Then I spent almost 2 years trying to find out where and how to do it.
When I found a class I decided to make my first quilt in class (King size) oh what a mistake but I finished it and was so proud with mistakes and all, and have been quilting ever since.
Dolores Good
P.S. Your Picture looks so much like me when I was your age many years ago. My family came from Poland in 1896 maybe we have a connection somewhere
Thank you for sharing your love of fabrics, creative designs and quilting with the world.
Wish you quilting-joy and creativity in 2018 and thank you for lovely inspirations. Hope to meet you in May in Karlsruhe!
Thanks for the e book. You have made beautiful quilts and your designs are awesome.I’m going to try your beautiful heart.
Geta, You are a quilting miracle sewer. A pure natural. Thank you for sharing yourself and abilities. I learned to hand quilt in 1980 which I continued to do for 10 years. Then being too busy with family and working, there was no time for sewing. After retiring in 2010, I went back to sewing, even bought a long arm in 2012. My free motion quilting remains a slow work in progress. I’m such a perfectionist… Most of my quilts are created for babies with special needs. So my free-motion quilting is an ongoing project, but since 2017 I have been learning machine applique and just took a class on scrappy applique. Thank you for inspiring those of us who have met you.
I thought I also purchased the heart pattern from you, is it coming mail delivery or
should it have been with the digital patterns that I can download??
I don’t see the heart pattern in my order.
Thank you,
Jane Munsell
Hello Gets I arrive in Brasov tomorrow. Do you have a shop or studio I can visit? Love to meet you. Evelyn
Hello Geta. I arrive in Brasov tomorrow. Do you have a shop or studio I can visit? Love to meet you. Evelyn
Hi, ich hätte gerne Ihren Newletter um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben.
Ich bin nicht immer am PC und wenn dann halten mich oft Freunde vom Lernen ab.
Das möchte ich künftig ändern.
Liebe Grüße Gertrud Konrad
Hi Geta I love your work so much I have been quilting for about 10 years I am using your method of doing the freehand quilting and you are correct one hand underneath is a great help especially on my shoulders as i am a grandma. I live in Australia on the east coast with the surf only 200mtrs away so I go to sleep each night listening to the surf. Waves inspire me when I am doing freehand quilting. Keep up the great work.
Thanks for the inspiration
Good on ya mate
what stunning work!! congratulations from western Canada
I have so enjoyed reading on your website & seeing so many Gorgeous pieces you have completed. What a Determined Journey you have traveled! Keep on producing Beautiful Quilts & Bags, etc…. Its so refreshing seeing all of these Amazing Hard Working Creations.
Your truly an Inspiration to all of us Quilters from all over the World.
I am from Orlando, FL area of the USA..
Geta, what a wonderful journey you’ve undertaken. You’re so talented and creative. You’re determination and tenacity to master a variety of quilting skills is amazing. I love your story. You are truly an amazing woman. I live in TX and was able to attend Houston Festival last year. I doubt I’ll be able to go again so I made sure I soaked up as much learning as possible. I made sure all my classes were taught by European or Asian instructors because I don’t have access to them and probably never will. I at least might be able to take classes from Americans in other less expensive venues. I’m so glad I was able to go before this pandemic. I hope you are staying safe, quilting away. I am. My grandkids are coming Friday. They have been quarantining extra careful as my FIL, at 90 has health issues and I, at 65 have lung issues. I’m so excited. I hope you and your family stay safe and healthy
By the way, I’ve been told by Europeans that English is very difficult to learn as a second language. You have certainly mastered it as well. Your English is excellent as is your writing.
Thank you for sharing
Uau! Voce e sua colcha são lindas! Parabéns! Vendo sua história, me vi. Aqui no Brasil também é muito difícil achar bons livros, revistas e tecidos , como os maravilhosos que vemos na Internet, mas vamos indo, pois amo patchwork e quero um dia chegar ao menos perto de seus trabalhos -acho que vai demorar……-mas a esperança não morre! Amei seus trabalhos e desejo tudo de bom para voce. Deus a abençoe muito, Eva
I love your site and all the things you make and do. I have a few of your bag patterns. What I was wondering is if you free motioned the quilt on which your latest bag patterns are sitting on? IE. Celine Pouch
Thank you
Dear Geta, I’ve downloaded your ebook for quilting, thank you very much! My english is very bad, I understand just what I need for doing patchwork :-). Your tips for freemotion quilting are very interesting, I hope to finally make progresses, because I like it very.
Thank you for charing your experience and your story, very interesting. Here in Switzerland we named this the Patchwork-Virus and you are infected, so I am too.
Saluti dal Ticino, Svizzera
J adore le modèle du coeur mais.je ne peut pas.payer pour avoir les modèle car je n’est pas beaucoup de sous mais je voudrais savoir comment faire pour avoir les explications pour le faire merci d’avance
I would like to just purchase the bag pattern
Is that possible?