You do so good at being organized. I'm making a baby quilt with lots of little pieces and every time I get it out I have to figure out what each piece is. Thanks for the help.
You are too clever!! Must get some of those little stickies..I was using paper plates…thanks for sharing..can't wait to see you quilt all put together! Paulette
You do so good at being organized. I'm making a baby quilt with lots of little pieces and every time I get it out I have to figure out what each piece is. Thanks for the help.
Looking good already!
That's all I can say…I'm amazed.
You are too clever!! Must get some of those little stickies..I was using paper plates…thanks for sharing..can't wait to see you quilt all put together!
Thanks for sharing. It's beautiful
Хорошая идея, спасибо. Жду сшитое одеяло )))
Good idea, thanks. Waiting stitched quilt)))