My intention was to make this quilt for Alexa’s sixth anniversary, but it did not came out the way I wanted… Too much green for a little girl that loves pink:(
I don’t like it… I have to order new fabrics for my stash and make another quilt for her.
Now I have 30 blocks

and no desire to piece them together !

Thank you all for the great suggestions !
Unfortunately, I don’t have any more white or pink fabrics, this is the reason I used so much green.
When I will be in a good mood I will probably make a baby quilt using the pink and light green blocks.
When I will be in a good mood I will probably make a baby quilt using the pink and light green blocks.
I have a suggestion! Take out some of the green blocks and try different layouts for the quilt and maybe you can find something that you DO like.
Right now it is a loss because you don't like it and have no use for it. So consider it like a free thing and play around with it to see what you could make. Maybe it would turn out smaller or have some different style of blocks added in or whatever.
Hope you can like it again!
It's sooooooo beautiful!! It's too bad that you don't like it as it currently looks, though. I agree with ircabbit's suggestion – remove some of the green blocks and replace them with a few pink blocks. This is too pretty to get stuffed into the UFO pile 🙂
If I were you, I'd separate the mainly pink and the mainly green blocks, and make two quilts. Make more blocks of each colour if you need. Then you have a spare!
I agree – two quilts. Get more shades of pink and more shades of green, and make lots more blocks for each quilt! 8)
what a shame Geta! I agree with the others though – pull out the blocks that are mostly pink – some of them are really gorgeous – and play with a layout for them. Maybe mix them with some unpieced pink blocks to really bring up the pinkness, but avoid that dark green except in very small amounts, as it comes across as too heavy in this quilt.
I think it looks great. Too much pink does not goes well too but then it will take time to grow into it.
Try mixing them up a bit more and seperate with white sashing. I've seen lots of quilt blocks of all sorts seperated by white and they always look great!
Two quilts would be great. Then you'll have more to enjoy 🙂
I actually really like it how it is Geta. But then I really like pink and green.
I like it too! But if you are looking to soften the green, do you have any of the deep cranberry color? Adding that might make the pink pop a little more if you take out the darkest greens~? I love the hydrangea fabric!
Put it away for a few months and when you come back to it with fresh eyes you will have a new attitude!
I like just as is !! atleast baste it together before you hide it(Come spring it will sing to you)
It`s reaaly gorgeous!!Looks great
I think it is perfectly lovely but understand that you wanted it to be more pink.
Save it for another day, maybe a gift for a friend or other family member. Christmas is coming and it has a bit of Christmas look to it.
warm quilt hugs, sue in CA
I love these blocks. Of course I am partial to greens, but I like the pink also. Its really nice and a shame not to be put together as you intended. Maybe inspiration will come if you decide not to put it together for yourself.