I have wanted for years to make a quilt for my husband. I can’t manage to make it for his birthday so I planned to give the quilt on my birthday !
I have worked on this quilt in the last month, and a couple of days ago I finished the top. And I didn’t like it ! I wanted to make for him the most beautiful quilt, but it is not !
After I made so many wholecloth quilts, I think I lost my ability to combine the colors ! I wanted to add something bright but I think I didn’t find the right colors. That yellow and that bright green weren’t the best choice.
De mult vroiam sa-i fac sotului meu un quilt, si cum n-am reusit de ziua lui, am zis sa i-l dau cadou de ziua mea !
Am lucrat la el, pe ascuns, in ultima luna, si alaltaieri cand am terminat topul, imi venea sa-l arunc !
Am vrut sa fac pentru el cel mai frumos quilt, si n-a iesit asa ! De cand tot lucrez atatea quilturi wholecloth, mi-am pierdut indemanarea de a asorta culorile !
Quiltul avea nevoie de ceva inviorare, dar galbenul si verdele acela deschis, prea l-au inviorat ! Nu-si au locul acolo !
Dupa ce l-am terminat, suparata, l-am pus deoparte si ma gandeam cum sa scap de el, cui sa i-l dau, e pacat sa stea neterminat aruncat pe la mine prin dulap, mai ales ca n-am spatiu.Last evening I decided to show the quilt to my husband so he can see what I worked for 7-8 days. He was surprised that I made a quilt for him and he loved it (anyway, he likes any quilt I could make ). He said:
– Did you make a quilt for me ?
– Yes ! For you !
– But it’s larger than our bed !
– Well, it’s not for bed, it’s for you !
Aseara ma gandesc, totusi, hai sa-i arat sotului meu ce am lucrat in zadar 7-8 zile.
A fost asa mirat ca i-am facut lui un quilt ! Si bineinteles ca lui i-a placut (ma rog, ar trebui sa fac un quilt oribil rau sa nu-i placa lui !).
– Mi-ai facut mie un quilt ?
– Da ! Tie !
– Da’ e mai mare decat patul nostru !
– Pai nu-i pentru pat, e pentru tine !
I told him that I hate the yellow and the bright green and can’t believe that I made for him a quilt like this.
Well, I didn’t quilt in vain for the last 7 years near ny husband! He left me with my mouth open when he said: “Well, quilt over that yellow with a dark thread and this will solve the problem! “
I didn’t dream of a solution to improve the quilt, I was only knowing that I can’t quilt for a week a quilt I don’t like !
After that, I showed the quilt to a friend (she’s not a quilter, she just see everyday what I work ). And she said : “You can make some appliqués on the colors you don’t like ” .Si sa vedeti ca n-am quiltuit degeaba in preajma lui in ultimii 7 ani, ii spun ca nu-mi place galbenul, ca e prea tare, a stricat quiltul, si el zice: ” Pai quiltuieste cu ata inchisa la culoare pe galben, si asa il mai estompezi !”
M-a lasat cu gura cascata, nici prin cap nu mi-a trecut sa-i fac ceva sa remediez greseala ! Stiam doar ca nu o sa am atata putere sa quiltuiesc vreo saptamana ceva ce nu-mi place, si trebuie sa scap de el !
Dupa asta, il arat unui prietene, care vede tot timpul ce lucrez, si-mi zice: ” poti sa faci niste aplicatii pe galbenul ala, sa nu mai iasa in evidenta asa tare !” Ar trebui sa ma las de meserie !
One of the best rule in combining colors is: when we work with bright colors for accents, don’t use too much of those colors. I started with the blocks with yellow strips. Then I wanted blocks with more strips ( narrower strips ). In this way, the yellow strips remained the widest.Una din reguli in combinarea culorilor e ca atunci cand folosesti culori intense ca accente, sa nu le folosesti in cantitate mare. Eu am croit prima oara blocurile cu galben, apoi am vrut blocuri cu mai multe benzi, deci mai inguste, si astfel benzile galbene si verde deschis au ramas cele mai late. Poate ca daca ar fi fost mai inguste, nu ar fi fost nici o problema !
The quilt is 80 x 80 inch (13 x 13 = 169 blocks) and I used a lot of fabrics (almost 1 yard of each color)
Quiltul are aproape 2 x 2 m , a intrat foarte mult material, cate 1 m din aproape fiecare culoare.
De fapt, nici nu aveam alte culori care ar fi mers mai bine !
The blocks are made from strips.
Seam allowances for a half of sets will be iron in one direction and for the other half in the opposite direction.
Blocurile se fac foarte usor, din benzi cusute impreuna.
Seturile de benzi se impart in 2, pentru o jumatate rezervele cusaturilor se calca intr-o parte iar pentru cealalta jumatate, in partea cealalta.
Cut squares from sets then cut squares in half on different diagonals.
Se taie patrate, si patratele de taie de diagonale diferite
Combine the triangles
Se combina triunghiurile rezultate intre ele
and the blocks will look like these ( here the combination of color didn’t look wrong )
si blocurile ies cam asa:
Aici combinatia de culori nu pare a fi in neregula.
How to iron the strips
Iata cum se calca benzile cusute intre ele (se calca dupa fiecare cusatura), intai pe dosul benzii pe care vine rezerva cusaturii apoi se ridica banda de deasupra, si se calca pe fata, avand grija sa nu se deformeze
Well, I need some courage to start to quilt this quilt ! What do you think, should I quilt this quilt ?Acum trebuie sa-mi fac curaj sa ma apuc de quiltuit ! Oare merita sa-l quiltuiesc ?
I think the quilt is fabulous! I like the colors and I don’t think you have the wrong amounts of any of the colors. I think it would look wonderful with an all over quilting design..feathers or some other free motion design.
Hei, Geta si Mircea, ce quilt frumos ati facut! Cred ca sugestia lui Mircea de a-l quiltui cu ata mai inchisa este buna. Si apoi puneti-l pe pat, este intr-adevar pacat sa stea in dulap.
Va pup
I love your quilt!
Hmmm… HE worth that you quilt this gift.;))
I think that you have done such a great work and now, all you have to do, is to give it a new face .And perhaps you should listen to your husband and do as he says…in fact is his gift and all it matters is that HE likes it :)).
Keep on working, Geta! at the end you’ll …love it ;))
The quilt is lovely Geta – obviously made with love. I agree that maybe you should go with your husband’s advice and do some quilting in darker thread if you are really unhappy with the yellow, although he obviously isn’t. What a man to make such good suggestions.
Este pacat sa renunti la el!Sunt sigura ca dupa quilting ,iti va pale si tie la fel ca lui Mircea! Dragostea cu care l-ai lucrat conteaza cel mai mult!
Your husband must be very observant to even have a suggestion for you. The quilt is lovely and I love the design you chose.
Nu stiu de ce nu ti place…e foarte frumos si nu e deloc strident!
I’m not a fan of yellow, but unless the color is off in the pictures I think it works. I like it. But I understand it is hard to finish something YOU don’t like no matter how many other people do. Good luck!!
Este un quilt deosebit de frumos! Jocurile de culori si dinamica design-ului il fac sa nu-ti mai iei ochii de la el. Continua fara sa mai stai pe ganduri.
Abia astept sa-l vad terminat.
Dear Geta, i love all your quilts. You can work with all the colors at the end they will be beautyful.
You have magic hands.
Geta, I think this quilt is lovely, but then, I love all your quilts. If you don't care for it, quilt it anyways. Your DH seems to have a good eye from his remarks. From the comments it seems to be quite popular. Sooo, if you really can't stand to look at it, sell it or give it as a gift.
All your quilts are brilliant. Some of us can't stand this or that color, but I found that I like all colors in quilts, even the colors I normally hate! This work of yours is adorable. Hope you will like the outcome as you finish it the way your imagination takes you!!!
Such precision sewing – all the points match – please quilt it – it would be a shame not to!
Your husband's quilt is beautiful. If he likes it, finish it. It will grow on you.