Follow this strip quilt tutorial and sew this quilt with me!
I pieced it in a day, I quilted it in the second day and I added the binding in the third day !

Finished block size: 12 x 12 inch;
Number of blocks= 5 x 7 = 35
(if you need a larger quilt, piece more blocks ).
This quilt don’t have borders; if you need a larger quilt, you might add borders; because you use narrow strips for blocks, add narrow borders too !

18 “A” blocks, 9 “B” blocks and 8 “C” blocks.

How to piece block B (and C):
Arrange the blocks any way you want and sew them together
(you will have 7 rows of 5 blocks).
Example of quilting:
After I pieced the blocks and I finished the quilting, my quilt was with 2 inches smaller than the size I needed.
Keep in mind: made the quilt a little larger than the size you want !In order to bring it to the size I wanted, I added a wider binding. I made a double folded binding and I started cutting strips of 6.5 inches wide (you will need more fabric for such a wide binding – I was lucky because I had a fabric I didn’t like anymore !).
At the end I had a 1.5 inch binding (and seam allowances of 1.25 inch under the binding- for batting and backing ).
Keep in mind: made the quilt a little larger than the size you want !In order to bring it to the size I wanted, I added a wider binding. I made a double folded binding and I started cutting strips of 6.5 inches wide (you will need more fabric for such a wide binding – I was lucky because I had a fabric I didn’t like anymore !).
At the end I had a 1.5 inch binding (and seam allowances of 1.25 inch under the binding- for batting and backing ).
At this quilt I especially like the colors.
Next time, I will post a short tutorial : “How to choose colors for a quilt”.
Next time, I will post a short tutorial : “How to choose colors for a quilt”.
I made this quilt for my sister Oana, but Pepe uses it as well.
Clare si precise toate informatiile , ca de obicei!Multumesc, Geta!
A stunning quilt. Thank you for the information. I have too many projects on the go to do it now but am bookmarking this for later. Will share with you when I get one done.
I like the colors and nice instructions too. Love your blog.
Oh shouldn’t be tempting me with all the projects I have in the works at the moment. I love your fabric choices. I wouldn’t even have anything close to that in my stash. I keep you have a long arm..I don’t think so. Quilting that in one day with that small a design took some hours!
Dar Pepe trebuie pus pe alb – pe verde sau pe albastru nu are contrast suficient:-)
Pepe-scumpul, e atat de negru, ca nu se vede bine pe nici o culoare; acolo s-a asezat el, pe cand pozam bindingul !
Nice tutorial … thanks.
I just found you thanks to Rachel at One Pretty Thing! Love your blog and will be visitning often. This design is just lovely and am already thinking of ways to use it! Thank you!
Beautiful quilt! I love the easy construction and it finished up wonderfully! (I have a black cat, too!)
I love your site and your patterns. This quilt reminds me of wallpaper I just saw that I thought would make a great quilt. It was like this quilt only the blocks were rectangles.