I am 40 years old. I don’t feel different. I feel the same way I have always felt.
I feel blessed because I have the most wonderful husband in the world, the best family, a few good friends. And, of course, because I was so lucky to discover the passion of my life: quilting !
I feel blessed because I have the most wonderful husband in the world, the best family, a few good friends. And, of course, because I was so lucky to discover the passion of my life: quilting !
Azi am implinit 40 de ani ! Nu ma simt altfel decat de obicei ! Poate realizez mai bine cat sunt de binecuvantata: ca am cel mai minunat sot din lume, cea mai buna familie, cativa prieteni buni. Si ca am fost atat de norocoasa sa descopar pasiunea vietii mele: quilting-ul !

Pepe a primit mai multe pupaturi si imbratisari decat mine,
but I didn’t mind, look at him how tiny he is !
dar nu m-am suparat, uite-l cat e de mic !
But I received the most beautiful flowers of the autumn.
In schimb, eu am primit cele mai frumoase flori ale toamnei.
Among many gifts I received today, I gave a gift to someone ! It is not a quilt, but it’s quilted !
I didn’t take pictures yet, maybe tomorrow !
I didn’t take pictures yet, maybe tomorrow !
Azi nu numai am primit cadouri, am dat si eu un cadou !
Nu e quilt, dar e quiltuit ! Fotomodelul a fost prea obosit, nu am putut face poze !
Poate maine !
Nu e quilt, dar e quiltuit ! Fotomodelul a fost prea obosit, nu am putut face poze !
Poate maine !
Happy Birthday!! The kitty is so cute and your flowers are beautiful. Glad you had a nice day.
Happy happy birthday.
40 is wonderful!!!!
Happy bitrthday si la multi ani draga Geta.
Toate visele sa ti se implineasca!
Happy birthday. Such a beautiful couple! Wishing you many, many more years together!
Heeiii…pisicutul acela mic ;)) are sa devina in curind cel mai rasfatat motan…e un dulce…
Ma bucur ca ai avut parte de o zi frumoasa…cu flori frumoase.
Si ABIA astept sa vad cadoul quiltuit…cit mai am de asteptat?:))))))
Ma bucur ca ai avut o zi frumoasa, cu flori frumoase! La multi ani inca o data si numai bucurii sa ai!
Poate 20 ai vrut sa spui…Multi, multi ani fericiti impreuna!!
La multi ani,draga Geta!Vezi,noi trei,tu,Dora si cu mine avem acelasi varsta 🙂
Cu intarziere …LA multi ani Geta!:) Toate cate doresti sa se implineasca si iti doresc muuulta inspiratie si spor la lucru; oricum , cu ambele stai minunat , dupa cate lucrari frumoase ai facut si dupa care imi sticlesc ochii :)) Te pup!!
Cu intarziere iti urez si eu La Multi Ani! Sa fii happy mereu si sa ai un quilt premiat la Huston!!! Bineintels ca-l pupicesc si eu pe motanel, n-as rata ocazia, he…he…! Elena
I really enjoyed the pictures of your husband and kitty!
Have a wonderful 2025 with good health and prosperity.
Forgot to say “Happy 40th Birthday!” and enjoyed all your other photos too.