Last night we came back from Paris. We spent there a wonderful vacation !
Paris has many, many wonders, everyone dreams to see them some day. I saw some of them, they impressed me, but nothing compares with the two shows of Mylene Farmer on Stade de France.
Mylene is one of the most successful recording artists of all time in France. She lives in France, but the Canadians can also be proud of her because she is born in Montreal. While for many English speakers she is unknown, French speakers adore her.
I discovered Mylene’s music at the same time I discovered quilting. While I quilt I usually listen music and Mylene is my favorite.
I saw her in a concert for the first time three years ago. Since then, I counted the days until I can see her again, and this happened a few days ago.
Those days were the most beautiful days of my life. I wanted to thank her for the wonderful music I listen every day so I made a quilt for her.
I handed it to people at Universal Music Paris and they assure me that Mylene will receive my gift.
I love Mylene’s music as much as I love quilting. I am so happy that I could combine the two passions of my life to make this special project.
I hope you all have a “Mylene Farmer” to make you happy. It might be music, a passion or a hobby, such moments are so valuable that they can not be bought with money !

Parisul are multe minuni, pe care fiecare doreste sa le vada. Pe unele le-am vazut si eu, m-au impresionat, dar nimic nu se compara cu spectacolul dat de Mylene Farmer pe Stade de France.
Am descoperit muzica ei odata cu quiltingul. In timp ce quiltuiesc ascult muzica si Mylene e favorita mea.
Am vazut-o prima data intr-un concert acum 3 ani. De atunci am numarat zilele pana cand am sa o vad din nou, si acest lucru s-a intamplat acum cateva zile. Am asistat la cele doua concerte de pe Stade de France.
Zilele in care am vazut-o si ascultat-o pe Mylene Farmer au fost cele mai frumoase din viata mea. Am vrut sa-i multumesc pentru muzica minunata pe care o ascult in fiecare zi, asa ca am facut pentru ea un quilt.
Quiltul l-am dus la Universal Music in Paris si cei de acolo m-au asigurat ca Mylene il va primi.
(Pentru cine nu stie ce e un quilt: mesajul scris si modelul sunt facute din vatelina si cusute sub un strat de organza. Apoi acestea sunt cusute peste alte straturi de tesaturi din bumbac si vatelina. Am lucrat cu mare placere la el timp de 3 zile ! )
Iubesc muzica Mylene Farmer la fel de mult cat iubesc si quiltingul, asa ca am fost atat de bucuroasa ca am putut combina cele doua pasiuni ale vietii mele pentru a putea face acest proiect special !
Sper ca voi toti aveti o “Mylene Farmer ” care sa va faca fericiti !
DETALII despre concerte – peste cateva zile.
You are such a generous spirit! Marlene with surly treasure this forever! It's beautiful!
It sounds like you had a wonderful time, and it is so inspirational to read your blog and your enthusiasm for life. Good for you.
Draga Geta, un adevarat cadou, ne-am bucurat si noi alaturi de tine!
This is a wonderful and most special quilt – I really hope that it will find its way to Mylene and she will enjoy it as much as you enjoyed her music.
I am so happy that you had your dream fulfilled!
Geta,iti doresc ca Mylene sa-ti dea un semn ca a primit si a apreciat gestul tau, facut cu atata dragoste pentru muzica ei si pentru quilting!
Hey, welcome back home!
wow! I am speechless in front of your quilt….such a great-great ideea! I do hope also, that Mylene will give you very quick a sign of appreciation ( like free tickets for the rest of your life 😉 ) . And you MUST tell us about it at that time .
You are an pure example of an devoted fan. Mylene could be proud !
Hello Geta…
Abia aştept părerile despre concert! Mi-a părut rău că nu ţi-am cerut un număr de telefon înainte, uite, chiar mă uitam după tine prin jurul stadionului. 🙂
Eu am avut biletul la poarta H, în Est, şi am survolat zona de jur împrejur de cîteva ori, fiindcă ajunsesem acolo pe la 14:30.
Oricum, abia aştept păreri de la concert… am scris şi eu cîte ceva aici:
This is awesome…she will love it I'm sure…How clever to do words with your trapunto.
It's beautiful!
Life should be filled with joy – I'm glad you found so much.
Minunat gestul tau si quiltul nu mai vorbesc. Ne-ai povestit de o surpriza si banuiam eu ceva.. Cu sau fara raspuns din partea lui Mylene ai cred un sentiment de implinire fantastic.
Maravilhoso o que você fez! Ela deve ter amado!
Você tem um grande coração!!!
I have to teach myself the way you do trapunto. SO perfect and so beautiful. I've followed you for years. I will listen to Mylene to see what all the fuss is about. Thank God for You-tube. Looking forward to your website.