How often do you give quilts as gifts and then ship them to the recipients with no instructions on how to care for their quilt?
This is something I am guilty of!
But I recently wanted to make a unique gift; I finally finished this baby quilt (made with LOVING HUGS II pattern)…
started in 2015…
quilted in 2018…

bound and washed in 2023!
I never gift a quilt without washing it first! I do this not only for a clean quilt, but also because I love the texture created by cotton batting after washing (sorry, no pics!).
I HAD to provide instructions this time! And because I took the effort to create a lovely printable sheet, I thought you would benefit from it as well, so here you have it: quilt care instructions for a quilt that will be used often!
If you don’t have colored ink, print with black ink; printing on colored sheets is a lovely option.
If you need this printable, click below.
Print this design on Letter/A4 sheet, with paper oriented LANDSCAPE.
Happy quilting!
Thank you so much for the quilt care instructions label! I will definitely use it.
Thank you for the care instructions for quilts what a great idea
Thank you for this. You are right-I needed it!
P.S. How did you get a picture of my cat? OK, maybe not mine, but your kitty and my Samoka could be twins.