A few days ago I received a message that filled my heart with happiness !
Patti bought my shadow trapunto e-book just three weeks ago and she already finished her first attempt !
Patti bought my shadow trapunto e-book just three weeks ago and she already finished her first attempt !
Here is, a WONDERFUL 19″ x 19″ piece ! I was so excited when I saw these pictures !
After I admired her work, I read her message:
“It was loads of fun to do…I need to go shopping for MORE organza! I have lots of ideas that I’d like to try. Thanks so much for the ebook….it is fantastic! I love this technique and you made it so easy!” I am more than happy !
Thank you, Patti !
Here are other beautiful shadow trapunto little quilts made by:
Mary again
Jan again
Thank you all for sending me pictures and for sharing your shadow trapunto experience with me.
Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
I've admired your quilts for a long time, Geta. I just bought your e-book and it looks wonderful. Great instructions! Due to family matters it will be a bit before I can start one, but hope to send you pics soon. Cindi
It's gorgeous!
How wonderful! I love all your shadow trapunto quilts and how neat that Patti did hers after learning from your shado trapunto e-book.
Blessings & Aloha!
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