The little girl of my friends from USA received my gifts:
Fetita prietenilor mei din America a primit cadourile pentru ziua ei:
Her mother called me and said that Alexa (5 years old) told her: “Mami, I like them so much that I don’t even know how to use them !”
So that I decided to make another little girl happy and I made another set:
Mama ei m-a sunat si mi-a spus ca a Alexa (5 ani) i-a zis: ” Mami, imi plac atat de mult, ca nici nu stiu ce sa fac cu ele !”
Asa ca m-am hotarat sa fac si o alta fetita fericita, si am facut un alt set:
Asa ca m-am hotarat sa fac si o alta fetita fericita, si am facut un alt set:
Materialul e un fel de plus-flannel foarte subtire ( dar greu de cusut !), pufos si placut la atingere !
The basket for doll is 14 x 6.5 inch
Cosuletul pentru papusa are 35 x 16.5 cm
Cosuletul pentru papusa are 35 x 16.5 cm
Papusica are o paturica cam mare ( dar e buna si pentru fratiorii mai mari) !
Soon I will post a tutorial about how I made this bag so please come back !
Am facut poze cu toti pasii necesari in realizarea acestei gentute, reveniti, voi face un tutorial zilele viitoare.
Extraordinar! Cand ai mai lucrat si setul asta? E atat de dragut, si papushul este atat de nostim 🙂
Chiar ca sunt atat de frumoase ca nu poti decat sa te uiti la ele…Asa s-a intamplat si cu hexagoanele de la tine, le privesc pierduta de cand le-am primit. Multumesc Geta.
I’m making the same thing for little girls in my family except the bag. I have the quilts done and make a bed but didn’t like it so I have to redo it. I like how high you made the sides and that you used a fluffy batting. I was trying warm and naturel and only had the sides about 4″ high. Yours are beautiful, now I’m inspired to try the beds again, thank you.
Glad your gift finally arrived. The second set is just as cute. Reminds of something similar I crocheted for two of my granddaughters when they were little.
These are so nice, I love the quilting on the second bag…you really finished these off well. She will love it.
Ce cadou minunat pentru o fetita! Cum sa nu fie fericita cea care il primeste! Astept cu nerabdare tutorialul! Multumesc de acum!
The bag looks beautiful, can’t wait to see how you made it.
Geanta asta e perfecta,abia astept tutorialul !