I love to make quilts, but I hate 2 tasks that are needed in order to finish a quilt: the transfer of quilting pattern on the top of the quilt and hand-stitching the binding on the back of the quilt.
But for trapunto I am very happy that I can stitch the pattern through paper.
But what a mess when it is the time to remove the paper! Little pieces of paper are everywhere in the house !
The cutting of batting took me a long time but it wasn’t as difficult as the work for White bouquet miniature. It needed just care and patience.
And here is the finished quilt.
Dancing Petals / 19.25 x 19.25 inch
48.5 x 48.5 cm
“before” and “after” quilting
Almost one week of machine quilting because of many problems with sewing machine, needles and threads.
detail: 2 x 2 inch
Imi plac fotografiile de lucru 🙂 Ce frumos a iesit quiltul! Sunt sigura ca o sa fie foarte apreciate perechile tale de quilturi – mare si miniatura!
ha-ha…ce simpatica esti intre toate bucatelele acelea de hirtie! eu stiu ce inseamna ele si “in timpul” si “dupa” ( adica aspiratul ;)) ) .
Miniatura este fantastica! nici nu stiu pe care sa o votez pe locul intii..imi plac toate trei, pot sa impart podiumul pentru toate trei ;)) ??
ce nume frumos i-ai pus: “dancing petals”…acum ma gindesc la petale de cais, in vint caldut, parfumate, fine..ca un vis.
Oh, doamne! am o problema : mi-am dat seama de greseala: SUNT 4 !!4 MINIATURI! cum sa mai impart eu podiumul acum??? ;))
…cred ca stiu cum : iti dau tie medalia de aur pt trapunto! ;))
Cat e de fin! Parca ar fi un voal de mireasa 🙂 Si culoarea imi place tare mult, e atat de calda..
Am si eu o maaare nedumerire..ai cusut fiecare patratel saparat, adica ai intrerupt ata la fiecare??
Si mie imi place la nebunie poza in care esti ninsa, dar atat de fericita..
O nebunie!!O minunatie!! Iar culoarea iti merge la suflet si astepti sa inceapa si o muzica pe masura!Vreau si eu sa pot face asa!!!.
I don’t know if you can read my English but wanted to leave a comment. I just love the miniature quilts you made with the shadow trapunto technique they are beautiful! I do miniatures but piece and applique them. Would love to try your method. From what I could read of your English translation and infer from your photos you must sew the design that is drawn on paper and attached to the batting and organza. You use water soluable thread to do this part. Is this correct? Do you use it in the bobbin too?
Take a look at my blog
Imi place culoarea, cred ca se potriveste cu aura ta! Ai primit pozele de la mine despre carduri cu organza?
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Fragmentadora de Papel, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://fragmentadora-de-papel.blogspot.com. A hug.
Cu intarziere te felicit si eu pentru realizari, e o tehnica foarte interesanta iar tu o folosesti cu maiestrie ! Bravo si pentru ca expui la Houston, o bine meritata consacrare !
Cu drag,
Viorica / Fr