These are the pieces for my next quilt- a baby quilt. Plus a little background.
I already did things I usually don’t like – templates, marking intersection points on fabric.
The fabric – rainbow Kona cotton from my stash.
I want to teach the colors to Alex. It might be just a dream, since Alex is only 19 months old. I don’t think my hubby knows the difference between turquoise and fuchsia.
In reality, it is just an excuse – I love rainbow things.
Tomorrow I should show you the quilt top!
Here in Australia we would probably say "Its a boy thing" – about your husband I mean. I think any excuse to make a quilt is a good one.
I love rainbow things too, so it will be fun to see this project progress. I just posted a rainbow quilt on my blog this morning.
Beautiful colors combination.
it's looking cool.
Exam Papers
I saw an all white trapunto quilt at the former home now museum of Andres Jackson (past present of USA). I found it hard to do with no instruction BUT I did a shadow applique. I liked it and it was easier. Alas did not make more as I got caught up in Broderie Perse. Enjoy you book and love the nephew picture.
Wow!!!This is something new for me. I didn't see such things before. So nice and interesting fabricks. You have a big talent.:)
Greetings from Poland.