A few days ago I received an advance copy of my book.
Tears…of joy to see the finished book.
Tears… of relief that almost two years of work and waiting are over.
– Writing the manuscript wasn’t too hard.
– The editing phase with the folks of C&T was incredibly easy (after I sent the manuscript, I was worried about this phase and ready for much more work than I actually had to do).
Or maybe I just forgot the hard work…
But definitely, I remember a few challenges – all of them because I live in Romania, far away from the quilting world. And all the stress that came with them. Many times I cried in the middle of the night because I wasn’t sure how to solve some problems… Fortunately, I have a supportive husband!
You know, a manuscript is a boring thing. It doesn’t even have pictures – it has numbers! And it was an amazing experience to see it turning into a beautiful book.
I can’t wait to find out your opinion about the content of the book and the design of the quilts. But for now I can tell you that the design of the book is to die for. I am so proud and grateful for the job the publisher did for my book.
May I say this ? It is a wonderful book!
So, here it is:
Good for you!! Well done 🙂
Congratulations… 🙂
and Yes, it´s allowed to be proud.
Oh – it looks sooo great! Congratulations! Remember to enjoy!
Yeah for you Geta! Can't wait to get my own copy here in the US… Looks like a lot of fun in those pages~
Parabéns Geta!!!!!
Pelas fotos teu livro é simplesmente maravilhoso!É para ficar sim muito orgulhosa de seu trabalho!
Espero poder conseguir um para mim, o que me deixará muito, muito feliz!
Um abraço carinhoso daqui do Brasil.
Boa Sorte!
Sua fã,
Maria Josefa
Geta,ma inscriu si eu la un exemplar semnat de tine!FELICITARI!Meriti tot ce ti se intampla minunat pentru ca ai muncit mult!!
Frumoasa! Foarte frumoasa!
Ai de ce sa fii mandra!
Astfel de Carti Frumoase si Utile se pot face si la noi, in orice limba. Chiar si in romana!….:-))
Insa cercul vicios ne tine captivi:***industria textila pusa pe butuci (ata, tesaturi, fire de tricotat/crosetat…)***comertul de profil, cu extrem de mici exceptii,sustinut timid si neprofesionist numai din import***lumea dedulcita la chinezarii ieftine,in serie si "de gata",care a uitat sau n-a invatat (la scoala)cum sa-ti cosi singura fata de perna sau sa tricotezi un fular***cerere insuficienta de carti din domeniul asta***nerentabilitate din punct de vedere editorial….
Evident, despre Romania e vorba mai sus.
Oare vremurile astea mai grele prin care trecem ar putea face o bresa in cercul asta?
In care veriga/verigi si de catre cine?
Noi, cele cateva raspandite peste tot in tara, care mai iubim firele tesute sau netesute putem sa schimbam ceva?
Cum procedez pentru exemplarul cu autograf?
Sa ai cititori cat pentru cel putin o reeditare!
Geta — what a wonderful achievement ! Congratulations ! The pictures look stunning — you are so very talented.
I can't wait to get my copy – I ordered it a couple of weeks ago. Hopefully it won't take too long. Makes it a little more special when I think I almost know the author
Well done, Geta!!!! Congratulations on being published.
You do such beautiful work! Congratulations on finishing such a huge labor of love!
xo -E
I can't wait to see it as your work is so beautiful. Congratulations!
I found your blog long ago and have admired your beautiful work ever since.
Congratulation on your book – your trapunto deserves to be published and known to the quilting world – it is amazing!
Acum am citit articolul si plang si eu putin – de emotie si de bucurie pentru aceasta mare realizare a ta! :')
CONGRATULATIONS ! A big and suffocating ;)hug for your achievement, my dear! a tear of happiness for your SUCCESS and a smile of joy for your HAPPINESS.
Well done! when's the next one ? 😀
So happy this day is finally here. I hope this is a first of many successful Geta Grama books.
I received 2 copies of your book this past week. I pre-ordered from Amazon. I was under the impression they would come signed as well but they aren't.
I love the detail photography showing how you created your beautiful quilts.
I am giving the 2nd copy to a friend as a gift.
Sew proud of you Geta…and your book is fabulous….will do. Givewy soon….my best to you
Many thanks for great book! If you would like to see photos in my blog.