For every octagon we need 2 squares cut in half diagonally.
The four triangles are stitched in four corners.
I covered the center of the block with an octagon.
Edited to add:
Complete pattern available, if you want to sew your own version.
Fresh Ideas for Quilts and Bags
this is great!!!!! Love it!
very nice, i love your design!!
Thanks for the Picture.
I love it. designs are fantastic
Hello ~ I'm Vicki and just ran across your site again. I wanted to say this and your other one creating the Octagon too are both very cool.
Happy belated birthday too. You are still a young one. 😉
Congratulations on the book. Trapunto is such a great look. I've done it using my machine embroidery designs for Trapunto but I'm not sure how close it is to the type done without machine embroidery.
Hey there Geta! Dana from Stormy Days blog got me to your blog. Love, love, love that block!
Your quilts are so refreshing! They don't look like quilts I am used to seeing and they really inspire me to want to start more projects!!!
I hope to follow your blog a bit now, for ideas!
Thanks for sharing your talents!
Geta, Do yo sell to download the pattern "Raw Edge Applique Quilt". I love the flowers in 3D.
Love your octagon to square block. The colours are gorgeous. Irene
Olá Geta!
Moro na cidade de São Paulo/Brasil e faço patchwork já há muito tempo e amo o que faço!
Estou ADORANDO seu blog e serei seguidora!
Parabéns pelos belos trabalhos e obrigada por dividir conosco suas experiências e ensinamentos. Os tutoriais são ótimos! Estou aprendendo muito com você!
Um grande abraço,
Maria Josefa F. Meyer
Imi plac mult quilturile tale……..
Cei 43 de ani sa iti aduca multa fericire , sanatate……si multi bani ….
Your version of dresden is so inspiring, I just love them and want to give it a try. Are you on flickr?
I have just made one of the dresden fan following your tutorials very carefully. So much fun and it turned out exactly as I hoped for. I will make three and turn it into a table runner. Thank you so much.
On the parasol quilt or sunburst quilt I’m having a problem. On the piece where the dark fabric is toward the center my piece will NOT lay flat. What am I doing wrong?