I am working hard for the October tutorial and Pepe is of much help.

When I sew he can’t stay with me because he likes to eat threads…and batting… and I have to hide all the pins…
I think I could let him to eat water soluble thread… but it is too expensive …
I think I could let him to eat water soluble thread… but it is too expensive …
He is too cute! We just found a kitten in our garage. Now we have a new kitten.Lol
I love your assistant Pepe. Pepe looks like he really knows his stuff……and got so exhausted he needed a little catnap.
Purrfect. Thanks for sharing.
Geta, I knew I liked you, but now that I know you are an animal lover I am even more sure! He is beautiful! And though you have to keep pin, batting, and thread picked up and hidden to keep him safe, the bright side is it keeps your work area cleaner, too! Geez, I wish my pets would motivate me to pick up more!
I think he is one very cute lovable cat!!
What a sweet little guy.
Ce pisoi dragutz 😉 Ma bucur ca te vad si pe tine impreuna cu Pepe!
Hi Geta, I love your assistant!
Here it's cold too! I came back home on sunday and monday morning the weather was fin, the sun was quite hot! In the afternoon it did change and in the night in the mountains near us felled a lot of snow!
Hugs, Renata.
Your little black assistant Pepe is so adorable… and I keep saying : he need a fancy and extravagant collar…a green (and trapunto) one?;)
Look, a good idea for a future small tutorial : artistic pets collars! 😉
Get well soon!
Nice assistant at least won't ask for a raise or talk back to you lol
Hugs Janice
He is such a cutie.My daughter is an animal lover.She'll heap you with loads of praises for saving Pepe from the streets.
acesta-i PEPE..
ma bucur de cunostiinta.
ai un prieten adevarat langa tine.
Ce mare s-a facut! Ma bucur ca ni l-ai aratat iar ! Se vede ca este alintat dar si cat de bine se simte!Si ce speriat arata la inceput!
I love the way that Pepe seems to actually choosing the fabric for you. He is a real darling.
Oh Pepe is just so sweet Geta, he is indeed a very lucky cat to be saved from the streets. How kind you are, but then I would have guessed that. lol Janet x
Este adorabil!!!
Iubirea pentru o pisica te "subjuga", deci : Bine ai venit in Club!!!
Arati foarte bine, ma bucur ca te-am revazut.
Hugs, Sma
My cat likes to "assist" me, too. She pulls all my pins out of the pincushion and throws them on the floor…
Pepe is adorable. He looks like the perfect "halloween kitty!"
What a cute kitty!! He's a lucky guy
ttfn 🙂 Yuki
Don't cats just love small spaces and fabric. When we had a house cat it was always laying on my fabrics or quilt blocks.
Thanks for tutorial. Pepe is adorable!!! I have three cats and they help me. (I'm from Argentina)
You are an inspiration to me, and I have been quilting for years. I must learn how to use Electric Quilts to get the patterns so I can muster the courage to learn to machine quilt besides just stitching in the ditch.
Your work is wonderful, as well as beautiful.
Geta, I thank God for your wonderful talents and your willingness to share with others. Your work is exquisite. Keep the good work up. I would love to watch you work in person. Keep warm there in that land so far away from here. I bought your e-book and the techniques are on my to do list.
Hi Geta,
Just bought your books and looking forward to using them. Your work is exquisite by the way. Do you enter in any of the international quilt shows? If not, you should.
Jan from a wet and windy UK today!
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im a medical student from srilanka,currently during a small vacation busy with my sawing machine.While looking for some new staingalss designs came to this web site.Im really surprised after seeing them.They are sooooooooooooo beautiful.The method trpunto is quite strange to me but i was so happy to hear that you also like stngls.Your site gave me no of new ideas.Thanx .And anotherthing yourpet reminded me my MICKY whom i loved alot.Bye