I made it for my sister Oana and today I told her to leave the bag home so I can take other pictures !
Am facut-o pentru sora mea Oana si astazi i-am spus s-o lase acasa, sa pot face poze !
Captuseala e din acelasi material, doar pus pe dos.
But I made a little mistake when I sewn the handles in place and my husband was the first who noticed it: I attached them following the curved edge and this is wrong !
Am facut si o mica greseala cand am pus baretele si sotul meu a observat imediat (Oana nu) !
Faci lucruri foarte frumoase!E minunat!!!
Nu inteleg ce greseala ai facut?! geanta e superba, cum spuneam de ieri. Si quiltul din spate! Si minutiozitatea ta! Cum te-ai gandit sa faci patratzele atat de mici…Bravo Geta!
PS. Observi ora la care scriu si stii unde sunt. Iarta-ma ca nu ti-am scris un email. Promit in weekend.
E absolut superba,sora ta o sa se mandreasca cu ea !
the bag looks lovely – but I love the trapunto on the quilt behind it more!
You fooled me! I was expecting a mini quilt. What a gorgeous bag. Your sisters are so lucky to have you to make such fantastic things for them. I love it!
The bag turned out so nice – love the tiny piecing in the strips. Agree with another comment – the quilt it is laying on is just beautiful. Is that the front of a quilt or the back of one of your shadow quilts?
The bag is so beautiful and those little pieces have worked really well
Sotul tau o sa devina expert in quilting!Geanta a iesit foarte frumoasa si culorile sunt minunate!
Ha! I knew it ! I guessed it ! but I didn’t have a clue that it will be so wonderfull!!! Oana must be so proud with it… and choosing that quilted background was such a great ideea ;)).
Something more ideeas ? to share, of course…I must find something to do with my swatches, too…
ooh so pretty.Your sister is very lucky. I love the quilt behind also, but your quilting on the bag is awesome too.
You are just way toooo inspirational! I can see I’m finally going to have to try quilting…maybe I’ll try your childs basket as my first proper quilting project…I’ve done a wee bit of basic quilting, but no free hand/motion and your work looks soooo good. Well done, I bet your sister loved her bag. Hugs Naomi from Adelaide, Sth Australia