In the novel, the friends of Elm Creek Quilts founder, Sylvia Bergstrom Compson, secretly plan to make her a special quilt to celebrate her wedding. They ask all of her many friends to contribute a block that represents what Sylvia means to them. That is why many of the blocks have a marriage theme, but others focus on friendship.
Go to to find out more.
Silvia’s Bridal Sampler este un quilt cu 140 de blocuri, facut de personajele din romanul “The Master Quilter”, scris de Jennifer Chiaverini. In acest roman, membrii unui grup de quilting, fondat de Sylvia Bergstrom Compson, au planuit, in secret, sa-i faca acesteia cadou un quilt special cu ocazia casatoriei. Ei au cerut tuturor prietenilor Sylviei sa contribuie cu cate un bloc la acest quilt, care sa ilustreze ce reprezinta Sylvia pentru ei. De aceea, multe din blocuri sunt pe tema casatoriei, dar si a prieteniei.
Vizitati pentru mai multe informatii.
Mary LeClerc is one of the many quilters who have made this amazing sampler quilt.
Mary LeClerc este una dintre quilteritele care au realizat acest quilt. Here is what Mary told me about this adventure:
“When I saw the quilt I knew I had to make it. I started, made a few, set it aside for several months, then started again in earnest in January 2008. A few weeks later I had made all the blocks and quilted it shortly thereafter.
Most of the time it lives on our bed. I like it more as time goes on.
It’s far from perfect but it was an adventure making all the various blocks. It’s a great learning experience as so many different piecing techniques are called for.”
Iata ce mi-a povestit Mary despre aceasta aventura:
“Cand am vazut quiltul am stiut ca trebuie sa-l fac. L-am inceput, am lucrat putin la el, l-am pus deoparte, apoi l-am continuat din ianurie 2008. In cateva saptamani am facut toate blocurile, apoi l-am quiltuit imediat.
De obicei quiltul sta pe patul nostru. Pe masura ce trece timpul, imi place tot mai mult.
Nu este perfect, dar a fost o aventura sa fac atatea blocuri diferite. Inveti atat de multe pentru ca sunt multe tehnici diferite.”here are a few blocks , the quilt has 140 different blocks;
I thinks it is a real challenge to make these
intricate blocks on 6 inch square (15 cm) .
iata cateva blocuri, quiltul are 140 de blocuri diferite;
cred ca este o adevarata provocare sa faci
blocuri asa complexe pe doar 6 inch (15 cm)
And here is Mary with one of her winning quilts
Si iat-o pe Mary cu un quilt cu care a castigat premii “I sew just about every day and many days for 6-8 hours.
I started quilting in 2002 and I’m pretty much self-taught.
Watched lots of shows on TV (Simply Quilts) and read lots of books.”
“Quiltuiesc in fiecare zi cate 6-8 ore. Am inceput quiltingul in 2002 si am invatat singura.
Am vazut multe demonstratii la TV si am citit o multime de carti.”
Mary made a lot of wonderful (and very large, too) quilts. Here are just a few:
Mary a facut o multime de quilturi extrodinare (si atat de mari!). Iata cateva:
You know what they say:
“Those who sleep under a quilt, sleep under a blanket of love” or
” Blankets wrap you in warmth, Quilts wrap you in love “.
I remembered these quotes when I saw this picture :
The 3 married sons of Mary with their wives.
They just received their Christmas gifts: quilts from their mother!
I think there is a lot of love in these quilts !
Stiti ce se spune despre quilturi ?
“Cei care dorm sub un quilt, dorm sub o cuvertura a dragostei” sau
“O cuvertura te infasoara cu caldura, quilturile te invelesc cu dragoste”
Mi-am amintit aceste citate cand am vazut aceasta fotografie:
Cei 3 fii ai lui Mary, primindu-si cadourile de Craciun: quilturi cusute de mama lor.
You can see more of Mary’s quilts here.
Thank you Mary, for sharing this experience with us !
And Congratulations ! I don’t think that too many quilters can make such a quilt. I certainly don’t have enough patience to do such a meticulous work !
I have to go back to work now. I am going to search my stash and make a quilt for my dear husband. All the other projects can wait!
Puteti vedea alte quilturi ale lui Mary aici.
Multumesc, Mary, pentru ca ai impartasit aceasta experienta cu noi.
Felicitari ! Nu cred ca sunt multe persoane in lume gata sa faca un astfel de quilt. Eu, cu siguranta, nu am atata rabdare pentru o munca atat de meticuloasa.
Am sa ma intorc la munca acum. O sa caut printre materialele mele si voi face un quilt pentru sotul meu. Celelalte proiecte mai pot astepta.
Thank you, Geta, for sharing my quilts with your friends. Compliments from someone as talented as you mean so very much. One day you will be known worldwide for your amazing quilts and technique and I’ll be thrilled to call you a friend.
Mary, I am very happy that I knew you. I learnt so much from you: about the quilting traditions, about sharing the love of quilting with family and friends.
For me it’s a privilege to be your friend! Happy quilting !
This is an amazing and an inspirational story and I am so impressed about the huge work and love put in a quilt like this one.
And you know what, you are perfectly right, doing something for your family and sharing with them this gift of imagining and sewing quilts is the most rewarding experience!
Thanks for sharing and congrats to Mary for her accomplishments!
Great quilts Mary! Geta what are you going to make for your husband? I am sure he will love what ever you do.
We better keep our fingers crossed so that Geta’s husband does not read these comments 🙂 I hope Geta will keep him busy enough. 🙂
Indiferent de marime quilt-urile poarta ceva magic…
Foarte frumoase!!
Thank you for sharing your quilt Geta. I've just read the post about your quilting journey! What a wonderful journey it has been.
Only problem is that you have now introduced me to Syliva's Bridal Sampler. I have the feeling I'm going to have to do this one too!