Do you duplicate the quilts you like a lot? Like making one more version, maybe with other type of prints, or other color palette, but keeping the same pattern?
It happened to me only a few times (but I do have a list of quilts I would like to make again someday).
Here is one example. You would be tempted to say it is not the same pattern- but it is.
These are two shadow trapunto pillows. The pattern is the same, only the
batting is cut away in reverse!
And this is another shadow trapunto design.
Browsing through my computer, I found a few “work in progress” pictures.
I love this technique more than anything else.
Tutorial here, if you want to know more about the technique.
Thanks, Geta, for a reminder about Shadow Trapunto. I know I've been following you for quite awhile and yet this post escaped me. I've made a note of it now; I appreciate that you reminded us of it. Maybe, someday, I can try out this process. You make the best things!!!
Have to admit my sweet Geta….your fav is mine lovely is this..i like the pink ribboned one too…so different…
Such a lovely effect. I checked out your tutorial. I shall add this technique to my list. Thanks.
When I first saw your Shadow Trapunto quilts I felt intimidate.It seamed to me that I need a life of quilting to do this.
After I bought your book I understand so much and I realized from your detailed written and illustrated instructions that all I need is patience and exercise for an accurate quilting.
Thank you for this reminder!
wow! Gorgeous!
OMG Wow is right. I haven't tried that technique yet but some day.