I tried this technique on a piece of faux leather – and I love it.
I used pearl cotton thread to make the knots- it wasn’t hard at all; I think I have a type of faux leather that is easy to work with.
Now to turn it into an useful piece- it seems a little tricky.
Have a great week,
Geta, that's beautiful!
Wow, I don't think I could do that, it looks difficult. Beautiful.
Oh my! That looks amazing!
Oh, I remember back in the 1950's (before you were born!) my grandmother used to make pillows like this out of cotton fabric. It's a form of smocking I think.
Olá Geta, linda técnica, parece bem difícil e imagino que necessite de um pouco de paciência!
Parabéns pelos seus magníficos trabalhos.
Tenha uma boa semana, beijos.
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! diese Technik ist mir unbekant.Gratuliere:)
Really cool technique!
What a great look. Your faux leather looks to be pretty soft. Love the lime green color.