Amy, – Park City Girl, – is once again organizing the Blogger’s Quilt Festival. Thank you Amy for creating such a fun time! I’ve decided to share this quilt with you (some of you already know its story) because this is one of my favorite quilts. While I quilt I usually listen music and Mylene Farmer is my favorite singer. Mylene is one of the most successful artists of all time in France. I saw her in Paris performing in three concerts. Those days were the most beautiful days of my life.
I wanted to thank her for the wonderful music I listen every day so I made this quilt for her. I hope she received it and she likes it.
I wanted to thank her for the wonderful music I listen every day so I made this quilt for her. I hope she received it and she likes it.
I worked on it for three days, the quilt is made using shadow trapunto technique, the white motifs and lettering are made out of batting.
I love Mylene’s music as much as I love quilting. I am so happy that I could combine the two passions of my life to make this special project.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, enjoy looking at all the Quilt Festival quilts!
Wow! I like it, for sure! Please tell us her reaction please!
Your quilting is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing
As usual your work is beautiful and I am sure that she will just treasure it. I too would like to know if you ever hear back from her.
Wow the lettering turned out amazing!
Your trapunto is so beautiful how could she help but love it!
BEAUTIFUL! I just love your work!
The shadow applique is so well done. I am so impressed with the letters especially! Nice work!
gorgeous as alway Congratulations
What a lovely little quilt! The applique is very impressive. Love the colors in the background fabric.
Simply breathtaking!
What a beautiful quilt you have made for your favorite performing artist.
Very beautiful Quilt work
What a wonderful gesture, I'm sure Mylene will treasure this beautiful quilt!
As always, a gorgeous piece.
What a nice gesture of sharing!
Geta I know she must be thrilled to have such a beautiful gift from you. It is absolutely lovely.
I have to thank you again for sharing Mylene's music, as she is now my favorite to listen to as well.
This ia a very beautiful quilt! Lovely quilting and color!
I love this quilt, you did a wonderful job on it!
Geta this is beautiful. Perfect quilt to share at the BQF. Love it.
I just love the fabric you have used for the background. Thanks for sharing.
Your quilt is beautiful. 🙂
What beautiful trapunto work. What a nice gift.
Come see my antique quilt entries
Those tiny letters are just stunning! Oh my!