In the last months so many people asked for a pattern for my bags and now I am happy (but more than happy, I am relieved !) that I finally finished them.
First of all, I want to thank to a few friends who helped me a lot. They tested the patterns, made a few bags, reviewed the instructions and even my English, helped me find a name for them…
Thank you Lynn, Marion, Janet, Renata, Michele ( following the links I think soon you will see their bags). Thanks to you I made better patterns !
So, here are the patterns ! Yes, the patterns, I just could not make only one !
And here are the bags I made lately:
This is the cutest bag I told you about a few days ago.
As always, it was a “last moment” project and I made it with the fabrics I had on hand…

This one is smaller than the original size,
which is very roomy…
Finally, I want to share this picture with you because I am still amazed by how some things from my past influence my current life.
A few years ago I used to sew clothes for myself. With my big passion for quilting I was pretty sure that this chapter in my life is closed forever. And it is, but I would have never thought that a picture (taken to show off my new jacket to a few friends) and the fact that I learned how to sew those pockets would lead me to making bag patterns!
One year ago I would have sworn that all my life I will make quilts and only quilts…Now, I would make such bags in all the possible combinations and I would not be bored!
The pattern is very versatile and the possibilities are endless. Once you learn how to sew it, I think you will soon develop your own patterns !
This is a variation.
Enjoy the patterns! I will take a few days off…
Thank you all for visiting me and for your interest in my patterns…
Oh Geta, they are so beautiful again. You are such a wonder-lady in this gray country. My favorite is the green-red (or orange) combination with the flower on it. Oh my, I am longing to see Spring in our midst. Hope you are well.
Hey, you are looking great and I am so glad to see a picture of you!
And the bags are looking exceptionally great, too!
Good job! Best luck with the patterns.
All your bags are beautiful, love their french name… 🙂
I'm MADLY in love with the green-black one!who could think that I'll get to love green ?:))))…even that I OWN the black and white one ;), received as a birthday gift.It is extremely roomy, comfortable and elegant, too. Thank you again!
Those bags are superb, I will definitively try one…
Toate imi plac , nu pot avea preferinte! Mult succes cu acest patterns!
What a beautifull bags!!
all your bags are awesome!!!! how do you manage to do so many?????????????
Foarte,foarte,foarte frumoase!Extrem de practic modelul!
Tocmai muncesc la o sacosa si sunt in pline incercari de tot felul.Banuiesc prin ce-ai trecut pana ti-a iesit tiparul…
Multa bafta si multa,multa sanatate!
The bags are great – just love the little one. Enjoyed testing your pattern for you and photos of the one I made will be posted later today.
Ai un premiu la mine pe blog!
Your bags are amazing!!
Ti-am trimis si eu premiul…:-) Ce sa-i faci, blogo-cercul meu este mic! Sper sa-ti zambeasca soarele, desi a inceput din nou lapovita!
Beautiful bags. You are certainly a versatile and talented designer!
Preciosos esos bolsos, me gustan mucho las combinaciones de telas,,,,besos
On my Blog Geta. lol Jan
Geta, sei veramente brava!e le tue borse proprio originali ed uniche! Complimenti!
ooo super , piękne torby !!!!!
pozdrawiam, bajka
Beautiful bags and even more beautiful maker!
Tremendous bags, Geta. Happy to help. I've sent some pictures but I don't have a blog to post them. Do what you can to share.
I really like the green and red bag it looks really nice especially with the flower!!
Felicitari pentru lucrari! Toate imi plac! Le urmaresc si ma inspir din ele. Spor la treaba. Cristina Ciobanu din Constanta.