A few days ago I discovered Arlette’s blog, full of great tutorials (thank you, Arlette !) and lovely fabric flowers and yo-yos. Very inspired by her work, I started making these:
Acum cateva zile am descoperit blogul Arlettei, plin cu tutoriale bune, yo-yo si flori din textile.
Inspirata de munca ei, m-am apucat sa fac aceste flori:
Can you belive that in 8 years of making quilts, this is the first time I made yo-yos ? Of course, the reason of that is I hate to stitch by hand. But I love these wonders.
I can’t find in our shops ric-rac, so I made my own:
Puteti sa credeti ca in 8 ani de cand fac quilturi, acum e prima data cand fac un yo-yo ? Desigur, motivul e ca urasc sa cos de mana. Dar imi plac aceste minunatii, cu siguranta am sa mai fac.
N-am gasit ric-rac la noi in magazine (doar auriu si argintiu), asa ca mi-am facut eu:
Making these flowers is addictive,
Confectionarea acestor flori poate da usor dependenta ๐
Dragute gentute cu floricele fantastice. Se vede ca vine primavara, sper ca vine deja… ๐
Geta, I am more and more convinced every day that you are a genius! These are absolutely THE most beautiful yoyo’s I have ever seen. I am not particularly fond of yoyo’s but I LOVE yours. And your use of them on the totes is simply beautiful. Thank you for writing this blog and for sharing it in English.
I normally do not like yo-yo’s but yours are great.
Sunt superbe,la tine macar e primavara,la noi ninge :-(((
Bravo lui Pam. Si-a data seama. Esti un geniu.
Ha, ha !! Si eu am inceput sa cumpar nasturi, pentru bijuteriile mele :))
vai ce-mi plac gentutele, sunt superbe!
Well done Geta,very neat little bags. I am not fond of yoyo either but yours are very effective.
I have also visited Arlette’s blog after reading yours and added it at my list of RSS feeds for blogs along yours. Thanks for sharing your work, ideas and finding in English and carry on with your lovely work. I really enjoy reading your blog regularly as it is very inspirational.
Celine in UK
fun! cute!
Geta, your work is so beautifull. These purses are stunning. You are a great inspiration to me. Marina South Africa
Sunt atat de primavaratice gentutele dar si yo-yo!Da, subscriu ,esti un geniu!Si ne dai mereu idei si linkuri bune , pe langa tot ce ne inveti ! Multi pupici!
Beautiful bags. These are much nicer than the traditional yoyos. And you did all this in a few days!
They are beautiful!lovely colors ๐
I will have to go see these tutorials. The flowers are so cute and look very nice on the cute little bags.
Absolutely Lovely. I have never made yoyos they look like a lot of fun. Beautiful bags. Love the squigley quilting.
What adoirable little bags and your flowers are just beautiful!
Thank you fro sharing!
I just love these little purses. I've never seen anything so precious. I have triplets that are turning 6 and a 4 year-old. I would love to buy 4 from you. Would you consider making 4 for me to purchase?
Yes, I would like to make little purses for your daughters, please send me your email address.
For the purses for my 4 little girls email address is
Thank you soooo much.