Folded Strips Tree
Quilt and Ornament Patterns
Stylish sewing for Christmas
If you need new sewing projects for Christmas, try these patterns that use folded strips of fabric.
Add texture to your trees in a quick, easy and fun way!
1. Tree Quilt Pattern

2. Tree Ornament Pattern

1. Folded Strips Tree Quilt Pattern
Tree size: 11’’ x 17’’
Quilt size: 14’’ x 20''

It's amazing what you can sew with only some strips of fabric and glue!

Learn some secrets!
Sewing strips to create this textured tree is the easiest thing, even a child can do it!
But how to cover the raw edges of the tree, in a quick and EASY way?

Learn how to prepare this turned-edge background, using a wonderful product: a double sided adhesive tape.

Minimal quilting
Done with the walking foot - you don't need more than half hour!

I finished the designs as small wall hangings, but they would look wonderful on pillows as well.

2. Folded Strips Tree Ornament Pattern
The same easy technique for a faster project.
Size of the trees: 7.5'', 5'', 10''.

Wonderful way to use your Christmas fabrics!

Great idea for decorating gifts or the Christmas table.

Hang them in the Christmas tree or on the wall or window, or create a beautiful scenery in your favorite corner of the house.

Ready to enjoy these patterns?

These are downloadable patterns.
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US $24 US $17
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Quilt Pattern

Regular price US $12
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Ornament pattern